おしゃれローカルHOT PICK!

バンコクの新鋭フレンチレストラン「Surface Kitchen and Garden Lab」

【おしゃれローカルのHOT PICK!】
東南アジアに暮らすおしゃれローカルが、お気に入りスポットや旬な話題をPICK UP!


Surface Kitchen and Garden Lab

by Fon

今回、Fonさんが紹介してくれたのは、アットホームな雰囲気の中でモダンなフレンチが楽しめるレストラン「Surface Kitchen and Garden Lab」


「美味しいタイ料理は既に満喫し、ちょっとおしゃれなレストランでおいしい料理をご希望なら『Surface Kitchen and Garden Lab』が断然おすすめ。バンコクでモダンフレンチを堪能できるベストなレストランの1つ!スマートカジュアルなお店なのでスーツやドレスは必要なし。まるで自宅のようにリラックスして過ごす事が出来ますよ!」


オーナー兼シェフを務めるChalee Kader(チャリー·カデル)はフランス在タイ大使の常駐シェフとして勤務した経歴を持ち、その後アメリカやフランスパリでスキルを磨き、3年前にSurface Kitchen and Garden Labをオープンさせた。自身のテレビ番組も持っており、様々なレストランをオープンさせている。


「彼の料理は本当に素晴らしいものばかり!アジアの要素が取り入れられた料理も色々とあります。おすすめはFiocide Glacier leaves with oyster/ponzu (サラダ/写真右上)、Calamari and pumpkin puree(イカのフライ/写真右下)、Crisp Alaskan snow fish Hijiki and angel hair (パスタ/写真左下)、 Tongue and cheek(お肉料理/写真左上)」






Fon (フォン)
GOJA Gallery Café 共同経営者 

GOJA Gallery Café 



Surface Kitchen and Garden Lab

If you are in Bangkok and have already had enough of the delicious local Thai foods and also feel like going to a semi fancy restaurant with good food – you cannot miss Surface Kitchen and Garden Lab. It is one of the best contemporary French restaurant in Bangkok. If you do not have a suit or dress with you – no need to worry as it is a smart casual restaurant. The atmosphere is relaxing you will feel at home.

Surface’s chef and co-owner, Chalee Kader, had worked as a resident chef to the French Ambassador in Thailand. After developing his skills in and outside of Thailand (US, Paris), he successfully opened his own restaurant 3 years ago. Currently he has his own TV show and has opened various new restaurants around town.

The food is as great as the Chef ! His specialities include dishes with a touch of Asian. The recommendations include Fiocide Glacier leaves with oyster/ponzu (salad), Calamari and pumpkin puree, Crisp Alaskan snow fish Hijiki and angel hair (pasta), Tongue and cheek(beef) (prices from 350 – 700 THB) . Better yet there is a long list of wine from the US !
I can say that you will not be disappointed with the food here ! Definitely delicious and not over priced ! Better yet, the chef will always be around and about greeting all guests.
If you plan to come here make sure to make reservations because it is very popular !



